Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation

Our Vision

Making Seychelles an international best practice example for sustainable tourism through an integrated collaborative approach between public, private sector, academia and NGOs.

Our Mission

The foundation acts as a clearing house that deals full-time with sustainable tourism, that connects, collects, shares, lobbies, implements and raises funds for this endeavour and is the main focal point for all sustainable tourism matters in the country.

Through its GSTC-criteria based action plan the SSTF will support a number of environmental and social sustainable tourism projects in the Seychelles, connecting different stakeholders, upscaling initiatives and pushing for sustainable change.


Where do we see the SSTF in 5 years?

Year 1

Successful hosting of the UN Regional Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the framework of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

Year 1-3

Action planning based on strategic framework using the Global Sustainable Tourism Council Destination Criteria (GSTC), checklist of activities

Year 5

Seychelles applies to be certified as a sustainable tourism destination by one of the GSTC-recognised bodies

CSR certificate

The SSTF is eligible for CSR donations from businesses in Seychelles! Please contact us, if you wish to support our mission by donating cash or in-kind.

Contact us